Cut Flower Garden: Antique Shades Pansy
Our next in the feature series we are going to show off here are these little pansies. They are just the perfect little shads of rusty purples to apricot and fade to yellow. We grew these inside and they brought a ton of joy to the loft in the winter of 2019.
Pansy Antique Nature Shades
— Viola x wittrockiana —
These aren’t your typical bold purple and. yellow pansies. Try out these new color varieties if you are more of an apricot shade flower lover like mysefl!
Find me something that gives tiny little flowers like this inside for gardeners in winter? Nope? Yea. The year we grew these (2019) they were started in December and were blooming by the end of March/early April. We potted them up around the apartment and kept them going as long as possible. I have yet to find another winter flower that brought as much joy. This year we WILL be bringing these back into winter rotation. You just can’t beat flowers blooming in March in your house.
We did grow these under grow lights till they were big enough, but then just in our southern exposure windows till they bloomed! Because they are winter flowers you could also plant them out for a fall flower in containers, or get them potted up for your front porch mixed with some winter greenery for some blooms in early spring.