Ode to Satsuma

Ode to the Satsuma Mandarin Orange
Ode to the Satsuma Mandarin Orange
Ode to the Satsuma Mandarin Orange

There is one redeeming factor about the cooler weather which is... CITRUS SEASON. Yes, citrus gets me excited, what can I say, I'm a food blogger. You can usually find these guys with their stem and leafs connected in comparison to their cousins in the mandarin family. Also known as a Christmas Orange, they come in time for the holidays.

They are no doubt one of the sweetest varieties of citrus, that hail from Japan. They are the perfect snack, with an easy peel and lovely juice. They are a little bit difficult to zest because of that but if you can't zest try and get a good peel without the rind and slice.

They are wonderful raw, cooked, added to baked goods for a lovely sweet citrus note or just on the go.

Ode to the Satsuma Mandarin Orange
Ode to the Satsuma Mandarin Orange
Meg S.Comment