Blueberry Tart with Lemon-Yogurt Filling

Wild Blueberry Tart

So last summer around this time, I decided to make a dessert for my mom's birthday. Not all of my great ideas, come out all that well. I decided to make a banana carrot cake with lots of dried fruit and a cream cheese frosting. To me, it seemed like a good idea, in theory. However it was DENSE, and probably should be tested before brining it to a birthday dinner for the ONLY dessert to celebrate a birthday. Learned. My. Lesson. 

This year, I tested the recipe (poor me had to eat the tested recipe - and then conversely exercise incessantly). I am going back to what I know best, a good crust, and a good yummy yogurt tart, fresh fruit keep it simple. This crust is the same one used in the rugelach, and a perfect way of using half of the dough if you decide you want to make a half recipe of the rugelach. The reason I love this tart is because it doesn't have complicated custards or extras, it's ALMOST a pantry dessert grab a little cream cheese and some fresh fruit (plus what I keep in my pantry) and there you go!

Blueberry Lemon Yogurt Tart


makes one 9.5 inch tart