Recipe Review: Strawberry Oat Muffins

Summerfield Delight | Dashing Dish's Strawberry Muffins

I bring you a nice recipe review as a break in the travel-logues of my latest vacation to Seattle and Portland area. It's mid-may so strawberries are creeping into the affordable price range in the super market, and based on it being a pretty cold spring, I suspect up here in New England we are probably looking at Late June for optimal local strawberry picking. 

What's great about this recipe is the variety of fruits you could use it with, and the ease of the recipe. I have made these with blueberries, raspberries, apples and strawberries, all to which were fabulous. I think I might expand to plums, apricots and other varieties that would go nicely with the oats when the fruit prices are right.

The second best thing about this recipe is how freaking easy it is. I don't have all the kitchen necessities for baking since I try to avoid it, so I do pastry dough items and a few baking things now and then, but mostly will go to my parents house to use a mixer or a food processor. In most of those cases, the food tends to be more expensive, so a nice oven/stove tends to help the situation, but these I feel like I have accomplished something in no time at all.

Summerfield Delight | Darling Dish's Strawberry Muffins 2

So without further ado - I bring you DARLING DISH'S Strawberry Muffins. Unfortunately all of the recipes on her website are not public, but this little teaser is available for all. Since I have gone veggie I can't qualify the needs for a membership blog for recipes since so many include meat, but I can see where there is huge value in her blog and the tips as well as nutritional value she adds to each post.

Note: If you fill up the tins too much the strawberry juice plus the little bit of sprinkled sugar I add creates a thick burnt caramel over your muffin tin. I have decided this is worth it, but it may not be for you, just be wary of the possible clean up and use non-stick pans!

CLICK ON THE LINK HERE or IMAGE BELOW to go to her lovely recipe :)